mak and ayah aku~

mak and ayah aku~
,,sayaaaaaaang sangat3!!<3

Sunday, February 5, 2012

byebye :'(

for almost 1 year and 4 months, sampai sini je kita kan ..

bukan xde jodoh, tapi for the title 'couple', sampai sini je rasanya..
berkawan lebih baek :)
mungkin ade hikmah nye, kita samasama tunggu okay :)

xde ape nak story sangat pon.
but, tq banyakbnyak sebab pernah jadi my 'b' yang awesome, understanding, loving untuk ur 'sayang' selama ni :)
what we had did together selama ni, it will be my wonderful memories yang x kan aku lupa :)

u r one of the best things that had happened in my life, hope kau taw tu :)

kalau betul jodoh kita ada, then i will be there for u..

but on that time, with the proper way okay :)

x janji untuk tunggu kau, and aku pon x nak kau tunggu aku. we just follow our life flow. kalau ade, then ade :)

ape ape pon, love for u, is always in here <3 :)


  1. Replies
    1. haha. semua nya aku da cerita la kat atas tu azwa.

      as a conclusion, THE END da sekarang ni.

      but still dalam proses kenal hati budi masing supaya lebih memahami. *ceeewwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaahhh!!*

